The Secret Life v2.0

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*breathing a sigh of relief* Ah, much better!

I just couldn't take it anymore. I missed my little cartoon girl and a site where I feel free to rant, be opinionated and not have to conform to someone else’s ideas of what I should or shouldn't be doing.

That’s what this blog is about- my life as an American Witch. Imramma is a place for helping people on their spiritual journeys, and I like the site. It’s the more professional side of what I do, where this is going to be personal.

By that, I mean, my life as a Witch doesn't just include the fascinating and strange encounters I have out in nature and with otherworldly creatures; the spells and rites, etc… it’s also the very mundane world things like going through menopause, being pissed off about something, things that happened during the day, or the absolute joy I receive when I look into the face of one of my grandchildren. Being a Witch is a WHO and not WHAT I am. There is no categorizing it.

My life is epic. So is yours.

I’ll share my story and ask that you share yours in comments. Fair enough?

PS. I've created a Facebook page for the blog this time, in case you'd like to follow it.


  1. This makes me happy beyond words! <3, your Second-in-Command

  2. Thank you both!! I am sooooooooooo happy now!

  3. Yay, you're back! And you're absolutely right, Witch is a who not what statement. :)

    1. DANNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So GOOD to 'see' you!

    2. You too! I've admittedly not been around as much as I used to be. Having a 5 month old has that effect. ;) Happy New Year doll! xox


Witches are your best friends- we worship the ground you walk upon! Be patient when posting; comments are moderated, so it may take some time for your comment to appear :)