2016 Planets in Retrograde


Mercury: January 5- January 25
 Mercury goes retrograde four times this year, and each retrograde  lasts for about three weeks’ time. This is a good time to take stock  of where you are and come to terms with the reality. It's time for  you to lay low, process, and digest what you know, rather than  explore the uncharted territory. It's a time for the re's: review,  retrospect, renewal. Try not to sign new contracts or buy new  things. If you must do so, be sure you read and reread contracts  carefully, and if you must start a new job, be prepared that it may  not turn out exactly as you had originally been led to believe. That  may not be a bad thing.

 Jupiter: January 7- May 9
 When Jupiter is Retrograde, expansion or growth in your life stops  abruptly.  You feel as if your energy has all been zapped, making it  more difficult to get things accomplished. When Jupiter is  retrograde, there is no real expansion or forward-progress. The  good news, is that people who tend to cling to you, or suck the life-  force out of you, fall away at this time. It's a good time to plan for  the future. When the Rx ends, expansion takes places quickly, so  be ready for when it comes!



Saturn: March 25- August 13
 Saturn goes retrograde for about a period of 4 and a half months.  During this time there may be unwanted delays and obstacles in  your life. Everything will seem to require more effort on your part.  Re-evaluate your plans and strengthen your physical and mental  self. Saturn retrograde period helps you to review your current  status and design new plans that will be successful when the Rx is  over.


Mars: April 17-June 29
 When Mars goes retrograde, it indicates that it is time to pull back  the reins, particularly if you are an impulsive decision-maker. This  is a time to learn how to  control your senses, emotions, and inner  potential and channel them toward your goal. Relationships are  also an issue during this time. Be sure you communicate effectively  with your partner, family, and friends.

Mercury: April 28-May 22

 Mercury goes retrograde four times this year and each retrograde  lasts for about three weeks’ time. This is a good time to take stock  of where you are and come to terms with the reality. It's time for  you to lay low, process, and digest what you know, rather than  explore the uncharted territory. It's a time for the re's: review,  retrospect, renewal. Try not to sign new contracts or buy new  things. If you must do so, be sure you read and reread contracts  carefully, and if you must start a new job, be prepared that it may  not turn out exactly as you had originally been led to believe. That  may not be a bad thing.

Pluto: April 18- September 26
 When Pluto goes retrograde you'll feel a nagging need to search  deep within you for answers to the big questions.This is a really  good time for spiritual cleansing, and discovering your personal  truths. Take a lot of "me time" right now. Meditate, go to the beach,  the river, or the woods and really connect with nature- just the two  of you. If you do the work during this time, the rewards will be  tremendous.


Neptune: June 13-November 19
 Neptune's retrograde blurs line between reality and fantasy, taking  you deep into the dreaming lands. Your intuition will be keener  than ever right now, so pay close attention to what it says to you.  You will receive inspiration from things and people around you  during this time. Boundaries are nearly non-existent, so be wary of  simply taking bold steps without clear-headed thinking involved.  We tend to be more forgiving of others during this time, but can  also be more naive.


Uranus: July 29-December 29
 This is a good time to foster your sense of creativity. The world  will be loaded with new ideas, avenues and experiments, and they  all seem like yours for the taking. You get to choose your path and  direction at this time. Some of you may feel a sense of anxiety  during this time, particularly if you like rules and regulations.  Uranus in retrograde is even more electrically charged than it  normally would be. Aquarians thrive during this time.



Mercury: August 30-September 21
 Mercury goes retrograde four times this year and each retrograde  lasts for about three weeks’ time. This is a good time to take stock  of where you are and come to terms with the reality. It's time for  you to lay low, process, and digest what you know, rather than  explore the uncharted territory. It's a time for the re's: review,  retrospect, renewal. Try not to sign new contracts or buy new  things. If you must do so, be sure you read and reread contracts  carefully, and if you must start a new job, be prepared that it may  not turn out exactly as you had originally been led to believe. That  may not be a bad thing.


Mercury: December 19-January 8, 2017
 Mercury goes retrograde four times this year and each retrograde  lasts for about three weeks’ time. This is a good time to take stock  of where you are and come to terms with the reality. It's time for  you to lay low, process, and digest what you know, rather than  explore the uncharted territory. It's a time for the re's: review,  retrospect, renewal. Try not to sign new contracts or buy new  things. If you must do so, be sure you read and reread contracts  carefully, and if you must start a new job, be prepared that it may  not turn out exactly as you had originally been led to believe. That  may not be a bad thing.