Good-bye Dauntless- Hello Artfulness :)

2015: The Year of Living Dauntlessly was a pretty darned good year. I chose to live by a theme, rather than set goals, and it really changed how I approached situations and life in general. Whenever I'd start to feel down, or upset by a challenge presented to me, I remembered my theme, and behaved accordingly. I also put my own twist on the jar idea; the one where you get a jar, put all of the good things that happened to you in it, and review at the end of the year.

I chose to write down each time I acted in accordance with my theme, instead. Then, I discovered that one of my friends, Sharon Rawson of Touch of the Goddess, makes jars- really PRETTY jars. So, I asked her if she would make me one. She did such a beautiful job on my "Dauntless" jar, that in November of 2015, I asked if she would make me a new one for this year's theme: The Year of Living Artfully. It's just as beautiful and creative as her first one. I only have one regret: I wish I had thought of this years ago.

How cool to have a beautiful collection of themed jars with your accomplishments for each inside! I suppose I'll have to stick around on this plane long enough to collect a few.. of course, this means that you, Sharon, have to do the same, sorry ;)

I've already begun the year by ordering some beautiful 2016 calendars with art and wisdom. One is already up in my home office. It features the artwork of Nicholas Kirsten Honshin, whose work is simply breathtaking. The other will go with me to work on Monday, and contains beautiful nature photography and the wisdom of Pema Chodron.

This weekend, I'll be working on creating a new site, now that I actually have my domain back (, and a new pinterest board with artful things I either like or want to try.  I'm already excited about exploring what it means to live an artful life.  I hope you'll check in with me occasionally to join in on this adventure.

How about you? What are your plans for this next year?

May your 2016 be filled with the blessings of peace, joy, adventure, good health and harmony.



  1. Wishing you all the wondrous & magical adventures you deserve, my beautiful friend. This lifetime is definitely better now that you made your reappearance in my path. Much love to you & the family.

    1. I wish all of the same for you, my friend! I would whole-heartedly agree that my life is enriched by your friendship. Much love and many blessings to you and yours!

  2. I am so glad I got to do this for you! It was such an honor to be a part of your journey! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. I am so thrilled that you agreed to do these for me! I am so excited to start using my newest jar! <3

  3. What a wonderful idea! And Sharon's jars are fabulous! Wishing you an artfully unfolding New Year, Kallan.

  4. Happy New Year, I love the idea I living the year fully. I might emulate it! With a different full embrace!

    1. Thank you, Gail! I hope you have as much fun as I have in doing this!Happy New Year!

  5. Sounds absolutely beautiful! What a great idea already with the tradition of themed years past. This year Sis, "Artfully" I can't wait to see the shares!!! :)

    1. Thank you, bro! I'm hoping yours and Renee's creativity rubs off on me! lol


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