The Sunday Stir: July 24-30

A light read for your Pagan Sunday Morning!

In the News

Disclaimer: These are not authored by me, nor are these necessarily articles with which you may agree or believe. These are meant to provoke thought and discussion. These are out there, on the net, and are being read daily.

South African Pagan’s Rights Alliance fights against witch-hunts

Fresh veggies, clothes offered at Pagans in Need food pantry

Damh the Bard sings mystical myths of pagan folk

Old-time religion to be found at Pagan Pride Las Vegas Project Ice Cream Social

New webseries Bwitches combines feminist comedy with witchcraft

Witch Hunt: Build Your Altar and Celebrate Lammas With Us

'Witch' Prison Revealed in 15th-Century Scottish Chapel

Book Review The Big Book of Practical Spells

Description: Practical, inspirational, and comprehensive, The Big Book of Practical Spells is a useful tool and resource for beginners and experienced devotees of the magical arts. Here in one majestic volume is a basic introduction to magic; a psychic glossary; a primer on the four elements, colors, and magical supplies (including minerals and botanicals); and a compendium of spells for any situation you may face.

With Judika Illes as your guide, you will learn how to enhance your psychic power, cleanse your aura, protect yourself from malevolent powers, and create and use a wide variety of spells. There are spells for marriage, fertility, pregnancy prevention, babies and children, money, healing, and transitioning to the next life. These are spells that will help make life easier, more productive, and stress free.

Previously published as Pure Magic (and also as Earth Mother Magic).

This is a delightful book for anyone's reference shelf. As always, Judika Illes writes conversationally, and the reader is given a sense that we're sitting down in her kitchen with a nice cup of tea, just talking about practical spellwork. The author is thorough and well-researched, without making the book seem too academic. Her passion for the subject is evident throughout. This book would appeal most to those just starting off in the Craft, but is also an excellent source or review for those who are well-versed in the art of spell-casting.

You can find this book at Red-Wheel Weiser for $18.95


Monthly Horoscopes from Darkstar Astrology
Weekly Horoscopes from

Remember to get your Daily Magic Guide on the Facebook page each morning!

This Week's Totem: Dragonfly

Key words: Power of Light,/Color, Illusion, Dreams

Dragonflies are very ancient- they’ve been around for over 180 million years. They inhabit both water and air, and it is not unusual to find those with this totem who had very emotional childhoods, but as they mature, they balance it with greater mental clarity and control. As dragonflies are always found near water, the combination of the two is important to those with this totem. 
Dragonflies are daytime creatures, and summer is their power-time. This is usually true for those with this totem, and they need to be out in nature to recharge. Dragonfly people are masters at illusion and are adept at dream interpretation. While they seem delicate, many indigenous stories speak to dragonflies having been dragons whose form was changed, or souls of ancestors. 

Dragonfly people are very strong in spirit and make excellent healers. You may find that you are called to heal others on a metaphysical level. Dragonfly’s main predator is the frog. It is helpful to study those traits in order to do shadow-work. Frog medicine is also that of a healer, but mostly through use of water. 

Dragonfly totem is the totem of transformation. It can help you throughout your life on your spiritual journey, as you grow and transform. 

Have a wonderful week!
Sláinte (to your good health and happiness)
 Kallan Kennedy  is a writer from Irish/Greek (Celtic) origins  living  in  Northeastern Maryland, USA. She has served the community in  several  capacities as Editor-in-Chief of The Sunday Stew for six  years, and  sponsor of Samhain's Sirens for four. Both projects were  laid to rest in  2015. She is currently doing artful things and playing  in the woods.

  She holds a degree in Religion and Philosophy, and is working on    degrees in English and History. She is both an ordained minister and  a  U.S. Navy veteran.

  She is an adventurer, bibliophile, and baking enthusiast who loves learning, science, religion, philosophy, geography, anthropology, politics, peppermint, her children and grandchildren, friends and friends who are family, being outdoors, animals,  walking, hiking, and the earth.

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