Witchy Wednesday: Summer Solstice Family Fun

The Summer Solstice is Sunday, so it's time to prepare for some celebratory fun this week. All of these are family-friendly things you can do together.

The Pooka Pages is a free Pagan kids' magazine. You can download it here.

Salt Dough Sun Medallions for a Solstice Treasure Hunt!

A little more on the grown-up side, DIY Firepots

This Sun-weaving Solstice craft is great for kids!

How about some Rosemary Biscuits for a summer breakfast treat?

Here's one of my own ideas:

The Family Bucket List

What you'll need:
One sand pail  (you can get them at any dollar store)
Some sand (Lowes, Home Depot, Wal-mart, etc... all carry sand in the garden centers)
Parchment paper (typing/copier or any unlined paper is fine)
Ziploc bags
Each person writes or draws pictures of the things they'd like to do before the end of summer as a family (this can be modified for single folks with no kids as well). Place the wishes into ziploc bags and bury them in your sand pail. Each weekend, take turns having one person dig in the bucket for a wish throughout the summer. Keep the papers, and at the Autumn Equinox, review the fun you had together and burn them in the Mabon fire.

Happy Summer!

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