Friday Favorites: Corn Dollies and Brighid's Cross

Happy Friday! It's Imbolc weekend (Lughnasadh in the southern hemisphere) for us Pagany-types and Superbowl weekend for American football fans. The Imbolc edition of Imramma Magazine will be out tomorrow, and there are all kinds of great articles, tips, recipes, etc... be sure you check it out!

In the meantime, if you're looking for a cool weekend craft, here's a site that teaches you how to make a corn dolly using wheat bundles purchased at a craft store. It's simple to make, and the finished product is really beautiful.  You can find the craft at I Heart the Goddess blog.

Here's how to make Brighid's Cross:

Flashback Friday: My Imbolc Altar from a few years ago:

Blessings of the season to you all!

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