Friday Favorites: Omnia's Earth Warrior

In this blog's former incarnation, I had a feature entitled, "The Friday Frolic". I've decided to change it up for the new model, and use "Friday Favorites" instead.

I'll share something I love each Friday. It might be a video, a website, a poem, etc... everything is game. Today, I want to share one of my favorite bands on the planet- Omnia.

Many of you already know and love them. I haven't met a Pagan yet who didn't ( and, please, don't let it be you that rains on my parade!). This particular video inspires me, on so many levels. The music is delightful, the lyrics are empowering, and the people/scenery make me want to shout, "YES! This is my tribe!"

So, I wish you all a very Happy Friday, and hope this video invigorates you, too! Hail, Earth Warriors!

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