#Friday Favorites: Short Films That Make Me Happy

Happy Friday!

This always seems like the easiest day to go to work, if you're someone who has the weekend off. It's a day of promise and jubilation. For this Friday Favorites, I've chosen some short films that make me happy. 

I was going to embed them all. While none of them has any adult type content, your employer's internet policy might make them NSFW. I hope that's not the case, as these bring me lots of joy, and I want to share that with you.

The first one is called, "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore." This one is for all of my fellow writers and bibliophiles.

The second one is entitled, "The Missing Scarf
It's an Irish film narrated by George Takei. 

The third, is "The Paperman"
I love that it's in black and white, and is set in the 1940s

The next one is called "Room on the Broom" and it's just cute. 

And, lastly, "Fallin Floyd"
This one is from The Netherlands. I like its Tex Avery style.

That should keep you blissfully occupied for a little while today.Which one was your favorite? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Sláinte Mhaith!

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