Friday Favorites: Happy Birthday, Laurie Cabot!

One of my favorite witches in the world is Laurie Cabot. I like the way she writes and thinks. Her books were some of the first I read when it came to learning The Craft. I like that she approaches Witchcraft with the idea of science in mind. I remember the first time I saw her was on "The Oprah Winfrey Show".  I so admired her for being who she was and for being willing to go on a television program to educate people, even though it was clear that she was lured on to the set for ratings and ridicule. She held her own, and has always done so. She was named "The Official Witch of Salem" by the governor of Massachusetts, and has done everything from writing books to owning a shop, to helping solve crimes.

Here is her bio:

Today is Laurie's birthday.

Some of my favorite books by Laurie:
The Power of the Witch
The Witch in Every Woman
Celebrate the Earth

Here is a video from her Youtube Channel explaining the controversial National Geographic photo taken of Laurie and her group:

Here is the Nat Geo photo:

Her Twitter

She's influenced a lot of us, and has been instrumental in paving the way for Witches in America to come out of the broom closet. If you have a moment and are so inclined, send her a quick birthday greeting and a thank you for all she's done.

For those who didn't know, Laurie is in one of Godsmack's videos. Yes, the lead singer, Sully Erna, is a Cabot Witch. See for yourself:

Happy Birthday, Laurie!! Thank you so much for all you've done for so many of us. Thank you for being you!



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