Monday Meditation: Just what do you want, already?

Uranus went retrograde yesterday morning, bringing the total of rx planets to five. The rest of this year is about reflection, introspection and making big changes within. It's time to put your courage to the sticking place and really decide what you want in life. Easier said than done, right? I know. I've been there, as recently as last week.

My current employer is not a horrible place to work. I have wonderful co-workers and a lot of flexibility in my schedule. But, there are issues that drive me crazy. A couple of bad hiring decisions on the part of those in management have resulted in a lot of stress for our team. As the resident fix-it girl, I've been trying to keep our department from imploding. I am not actually working in the job for which I was hired, and it doesn't look like the promises made to me when it was offered will come through. So, when a recruiter from a large corporation reached out to me asking if I'd like to explore a new job opportunity, I jumped at it. A lot more money, doing what I love, and it's located in one of my favorite cities- Philadelphia-of COURSE I want to explore it!

Five phone interviews later, I went to Philly for a lunch interview. The building was huge! The chaos of the work day was well in swing, and people were moving in synchronization with the designed flow of the structure. I checked in, and was directed to the 34th floor. That was simply the reception area. The recruiter came out to greet me, and proceeded to take me to the 42nd floor, where I was greeted by one of the two people with whom I'd be interviewing. We then walked up two flights of steps to the lunch area. It was huge, also! Everything you could want to eat from hot, prepared foods to make your own was there. One never needed to leave that building if he/she wanted to purchase lunch. We got our food and sat down to the interview.

All was well, and we seemed to be getting along fine. I looked out the 44th floor window which had a large view of the city, and realized that I was extremely uncomfortable. I felt as if I were drowning in a sea of people. The buildings were cold, hard steel and glass, and no magics could be felt anywhere. I realized at that moment that I did not want this job. I did not want to be in a corporation that has 117,000 employees. I did not want this at all!  We parted company at the end of the interview, and I hastened home.

In that epiphany, I realized what I did and did not want for my life. A past self would have been kicking my backside for turning down the job.This self is celebrating. 

I highly recommend reading the following articles, particularly as we have a Blue moon coming up this Friday. We won't get another one until 2018. Both of these discuss the themes of finding what you really want to do and be in life.

As always, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me via email/social media. I love hearing from you!

Sláinte mhaith (to your good health), 

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