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New Moon Magic
Timing: The moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset. For the best use of this energy, magick should be performed between dawn and sunset. This is not to say that you cannot work at night. However, to get the most punch for your magick, choose the correct timing. Also check the planetary hours to give added power to the working.
Conjuring: New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to 3 1/2 days after. Naturally, the closer you are to the new moon, the better your chances of success. Your work should manifest by the full moon or the next new moon. If it does not, repeat the working.
Things to work for include: Beauty, Health, Self-Improvement, Farms and Gardens, Job Hunting, Love and Romance, Networking.
Meditations: Work on bringing abundance into your life. Picture the harmony you desire, the current needs you have. Make a mind movie about how you want both short-and long-term goals to manifest. Concentrate also on parts of yourself (body, mind, or spirit) that need regeneration.
I wrote this particular ritual well over a decade ago, and the style of the ritual is more of a Wiccan nature. Dragons represent strong allies and protective power. Feel free to print and use for your own home, and modify as you see fit.
Dragon House Protection
by Kallan Kennedy©
Elemental Candles
Black and White
Chalice of Water
Dragon’s blood
Sea Salt
Dragon’s blood oil
Call upon the
Dragons of the Watchtowers:
“Hail Great Dragon of the East, whose golden eyes pierce the darkest skies. Guardian of the Air, Protector of our minds and spirits. I call upon the King of the Air Dragons to attend this rite as a guardian, defender and participant. We bid you Hail and Welcome!” (Light the East candle)“Hail Great Dragon of the South, whose crimson eyes pierce the bluest flames. Guardian of the Fire, Protector of our bodies and child within us. I call upon the King of the Fire Dragons, to attend this rite as a guardian, defender, and participant. We bid you Hail and Welcome!” (Light the South candle)“Hail Great Dragon of the West, whose azure eyes pierce the watery depths. Guardian of the Water, Protector of our emotions and goals. I call upon the Queen of the Water Dragons, to attend this rite as a guardian, defender, and participant. We bid you Hail and Welcome!” (Light the West candle)“Hail Great Dragon of the North, whose emerald eyes bore to the center of the nadir. Guardian of the Earth, Protector of our dreams and prosperity. I call upon the Queen of the Earth Dragons, to attend this rite as guardian, defender, and participant. We bid you Hail and Welcome!” (Light the North candle)
Light the Black
and White candles and the incense.
Chant three times:
“O Great Dragons wondrous and wisePowers of Earth, Water, Fire and SkiesLight and Darkness join us hereSweep clean this place and make it clearRemove the entity causing us painMake this house sacred space againAway with wrong, and in with rightPowerful Dragons of Darkness and LightClear our minds and set us freeDestroy this ugly entityElementals Strong and OldRestore the balance, Dragons Bold!”
Plunge the athame
into the sea salt, then into the chalice and say:
“As salt dissolves in water, so shall the hold of all negatives on my person and property.” (Each person in the household must do this)
Using the tip of
the athame, put three small piles of salt into the water. Stir it clockwise
three times. (Place the bell, chalice of salt water, athame, incense, and
dragon’s blood oil on the tray).
Begin moving
clockwise through the house (so you end up at the front door). First person
will carry the burning incense through the room, this is followed by the next
person who will make a banishing pentagram at each window, door, and mirror.
The next person will ring the bell at each window, door, and mirror. The next
person will take the salt water and mark an X on each side of the opening,
using his/her forefinger dipped into the chalice. The next person will take
dragon’s blood oil on his/her forefinger and mark a Draco’s eye upon the top of
each opening.
Move onto all
rooms until you end up at the front door. Seal this door last. When finished,
open the front door, and yell, “BE GONE!” Shut the door quickly, and seal it
with saltwater and dragon’s blood oil (using a banishing pentagram and Draco’s
Pour the saltwater down the drain immediately, and clean the chalice. (Make sure to clean the athames as saltwater is corrosive to metal).
Take the tools back to the altar, stoke up the incense (if needed), and pull the smoke to you, using your hands. Continue until you feel lighter.
“We call to You, Our Guardian Dragons, with much love and friendship. We ask your aid in protecting each one of us, our property, our pets, our loved ones. We thank you for your presence here. We honor you, Ancient Spirits of the Air, Fire, Water and Earth. We are grateful for your protection and teachings. We ask that you stay with us, protecting us, keeping us safe, guarding and guiding us from this moment on…
“Light Calls to Light, Darkness to the Dark, Male to Male, Female to FemaleOnly those of good intent may enter hereThe way is barred to all who wish us harmWe give our greeting only to our friends.”
(Take a moment and
meditate upon the Dragon Kings and Queens. Soon, you will feel them returning to the
ritual. Greet them with dignity and thank them for what they have done. Listen
closely in case they offer any suggestions as to what caused the problems and
what you can do to avoid this entity in the future. When the dragons have
finished communicating with you, thank them again)
“Farewell to you, O Dragons fair! Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Together we make magick well by power deep and Dragon spell. We thank you for your protectionWe honor your counsel through introspection In peace go now, return once moreTo teach us magick and ancient lore. Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!”
the Black and White candles)
Farewell, Ancient Queen of the Earth Dragons! We thank you for your attendance tonight. We thank you for your defense and protection over our family. We thank you for your guidance. Go if you must, stay if you will, but you are always welcome among us. Farewell, and Blessed Be! (Extinguish the Earth candle)
Farewell, Ancient Queen of the Water Dragons! We thank you for your attendance tonight. We thank you for your defense and protection over our family. We thank you for your guidance. Go if you must, stay if you will, but you are always welcome among us. Farewell, and Blessed Be! (Extinguish the Water candle)Farewell, Ancient King of the Fire Dragons! We thank you for your attendance tonight. We thank you for your defense and protection over our family. We thank you for your guidance. Go if you must, stay if you will, but you are always welcome among us. Farewell, and Blessed Be! (Extinguish the Fire candle)Farewell, Ancient King of the Air Dragons! We thank you for your attendance tonight. We thank you for your defense and protection over our family. We thank you for your guidance. Go if you must, stay if you will, but you are always welcome among us. Farewell, and Blessed Be! (Extinguish the Air candle)
Beautiful ritual!