New Moon in Taurus: 5 Tips for Intention-setting

There's a new moon on the horizon today and it's in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a sensual, earthy sign that likes luxury, loyalty, family and friends. The Taurus New Moon forms a useful Grand Earth Trine with expansive Jupiter in efficient Virgo, and potent Pluto in calculating Capricorn.

For we Aquarians, Rick Levine (astrologer) gives the following advice:

Aquarius - It's time to set a stake in the ground that can be used as a cornerstone for the foundation you are busy constructing. Although there will be a fair share of obstacles ahead, creating consistency in your life is crucial while the Taurus New Moon feeds your 4th House of Security. Ultimately, building on what you have already gained is possible as long as you feel emotionally safe. However, your future will be more uncertain if you are anxious about your present vulnerability. Stability is more important to success than brilliance when push comes to shove.
For the rest of the zodiac family, click here for your new moon horoscope.

If you haven't signed up already, I also highly recommend April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology site where you can get her free downloadable new moon workbook in your email box each month.

Remembering that we have 5 planets in retrograde, this is a year where we're given an opportunity to look back and decide what's really important before we get shoved forward into a new life, which is definitely coming. I am grateful for the lessons of the day.

Here are some New Moon in Taurus tips for reconnecting with what's most important to you:

A walk in the woods- it's a scientific fact that a walk in nature (particularly in wooded areas) actually changes your mood and lowers your blood pressure.

Spend two hours in silence- this can be difficult for some of us, as we live in a world of sound-bombardment until we're so wiped out that we fall asleep. It's also been proven by scientific study that 2 hours a day in silence builds up brain cells and intelligence. This will help you in your decision-making processes.

Meditate to music- find something that carries you away. Get lost in it. See where it takes you. Write down your experience.

Light some candles and turn off the electricity. Candle light is not only economical, but it can put us in a more contemplative  and peaceful state.

Take a hot bath- try some epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to help you relax. You could add a few candles and some music while you're in there.

Once you're relaxed, take some time to contemplate what you really want in life. What are the three most important things to you? Are you focused on those, or have other things distracted you? In what ways can you take action to return to your important things?

Write your ideas down. Put them in a sacred place (an altar, under your pillow, etc.) Then, go back in the morning and review/edit. Now, you can set your new moon intentions with clarity and be confident in the actions you can take to make them happen.

Sláinte (to your good health)!

   Kallan is a writer, adventurer, bibliophile, and baking enthusiast who      loves learning, science, religion, philosophy, geography, anthropology,  politics, peppermint, her children and grandchildren, friends and friends  who are family, being outdoors, animals,  walking, hiking, and the earth. 

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