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A light read for your Pagan Sunday morning! |
"Beltane is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It marked the beginning of summer and was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect the cattle, crops and people, and to
encourage growth. Special bonfires were kindled, and their flames, smoke and ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around the bonfire, or between two bonfires, and sometimes leap over flames or embers. All household fires would be doused and then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire. Doors, windows, byres and the cattle themselves would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire. In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush; a thorn bush decorated with flowers, ribbons and bright shells. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty and maintain youthfulness. Many of these customs were part of May Day or Midsummer festivals in other parts of Great Britain and Europe." ~wikipedia
First stop is at Autumn Earthsong's site.
Autumn Earthsong's Beltane Recipes
Here are some other great sites:
The American Wiccan Beltane Recipes
Recipes for a Pagan Soul
Celtic Sprite's Beltane Recipes
Wicca 101 Beltane Recipes
Sacred Haven Coven's Beltane Crafts
About.com's May Day Crafts
Yahoo Voices: 5 Beltane Crafts
Everglades Moon Local Council: Make a Personal Maypole
Moon Muses Beltane Crafts
And, very soon, the Pooka Pages free magazine for Pagan kids will be out. click HERE for a link to the site.
For ritual ideas, the Roots of Ritual site has already compiled a pretty extensive list of links for you to peruse.
Of course, we'll have a fantastic Beltane craft for you, courtesy of Loren over at Saga's Cottage blog on Sunday, and our other Stew Chefs will talk much more about this fantastic celebration. If you celebrate it, what are some ideas you can share with others? Leave a comment and let me know about your festivities!
Blessings of Beltane to you and yours!
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Totem: Stag
I am a stag: of seven tines" ~Song of Amergin
Key words and phrases: Lord of the Forest, Masculinity, Regeneration, Guidance, Gentleness, Healing, Connection to the Earth and the Forest, Alertness, Psychic Power, Pride, Independence, Purification, Strength, Nobility
Representative of the horned god in Beltane, those who carry this totem have high ideals and aspirations They will not be deterred from their vision. They are thorough, patient and their persistence insures their triumphs. When others have long given up, Stags buck their way past boundaries. They are proud, and rightfully so – they hold themselves in a regal way. They believe in virtuous hard work, and their integrity is their trademark.If you're starting a new project, Stag can give you the help and stamina you need to see it through to fruition.
The stag, particularly in Celtic mythology, was a symbol of the wild god, strength, courage, fortitude, heroism and confidence. In many of the Irish heroic tales, the white stag was a message from the Otherworld, and a sign of victory.
Stag is the representative of high virtue and nobility of cause. If you wish to start something new, Stag can lend you his vision, fortitude, and stamina to keep going to see it through. Be warned: the Stag does not suffer fools, nor those who are not filled with integrity. Approach him with pride in your birthright, and with honor, always. It will be an unforgettable, rewarding experience.
Meditation: Beltane Celebration Edinburgh, Scotland 2015
For your Beltane viewing pleasure, here is last year's celebration in Edinburgh. This is on my bucket list.
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