Monday Meditation: Mulengro Part 2

Last week, we began a review of Mulengro. If you missed it, read this first.

I know your Name now, you Liar!
You, the killing machine of the soul!
I'll tell!
I'll tell!
If they can hear me they will know your Name also!
Too late! You are known: "Divide and Conquer"!
Your Faces, they are 7!
Your essences, they are 7!
Your Powers, they are 7!
And together they are you! Mulengro!
You are Greed!
You are Envy!
You are Guilt!
You are Deceit!
You are Denial!
You are Expectation!!
You are Assumption!!

-from The Feast of Flesh and Spirit by Ly de Angeles

In order to eradicate this disease from our lives, we must first identify the masks it wears. Last week, we discussed expectation and assumption. Let's look at the etymology of these words. You may want to print this out or look them up for yourself as you meditate upon this today. These come from the Online Etymology Dictionary.

"excessively eager desire to possess," c. 1600, a back-formation from greedy.
 In Greek, the word was philargyros, literally "money-loving." A German word for it is habsüchtig, from haben "to have" + sucht "sickness, disease," with sense tending toward "passion for."

late 13c., from Old French envie "envy, jealousy, rivalry" (10c.), from Latin invidia "envy, jealousy" (source also of Spanish envidia, Portuguese inveja), from invidus "envious, having hatred or ill-will," from invidere "to envy, hate," earlier "look at (with malice), cast an evil eye upon," from in- "upon" (see in- (2)) + videre "to see" (see vision).
Jealousy is the malign feeling which is often had toward a rival, or possible rival, for the possession of that which we greatly desire, as in love or ambition. Envy is a similar feeling toward one, whether rival or not, who already possesses that which we greatly desire. Jealousy is enmity prompted by fear; envy is enmity prompted by covetousness. [Century Dictionary]
c. 1300, from Old French deceite, fem. past participle of deceveir (see deceive).

Deceive: c. 1300, from Old French decevoir "to deceive" (12c., Modern French décevoir), from Latin decipere "to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat," from de- "from" or pejorative + capere "to take" (see capable). 
Deceit is a shorter and more energetic word for deceitfulness, indicating the quality; it is also, but more rarely, used to express the act or manner of deceiving. The reverse is true of deception, which is properly the act or course by which one deceives, and not properly the quality; it may express the state of being deceived. Fraud is an act or series of acts of deceit by which one attempts to benefit himself at the expense of others. It is generally a breaking of the law; the others are not. [entry for "deceit" in "The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia," 1902]
1520s; see deny + -al (2). Replaced earlier denyance (mid-15c.). Meaning "unconscious suppression of painful or embarrassing feelings" first attested 1914 in A.A. Brill's translation of Freud's "Psychopathology of Everyday Life"; phrase in denial popularized 1980s.

deny- early 14c., from Old French denoiir "deny, repudiate, withhold," from Latin denegare "to deny, reject, refuse" (source of Italian dinegarre, Spanish denegar), from de- "away" (seede-) + negare "refuse, say 'no,' " from Old Latin nec "not," from Italic base *nek- "not," from PIE root *ne- "no, not" -al suffix forming adjectives from nouns or other adjectives, "of, like, related to, pertaining to," Middle English -al-el, from French or directly from Latin -alis

1530s, from Middle French expectation (14c.) or directly from Latin expectationem/exspectationem (nominative expectatio/exspectatio) "anticipation, an awaiting," noun of action from past participle stem of expectare/exspectare (see expect). Related: Expectations.

expect- 1550s, "wait, defer action," from Latin expectare/exspectare "await, look out for; desire, hope, long for, anticipate; look for with anticipation," from ex- "thoroughly" (see ex-) +spectare "to look," frequentative of specere "to look at"

Meaning "to suppose, to take for granted as the basis of argument" is first recorded 1590s; that of "to take or put on (an appearance, etc.)" is from c. 1600. Related: Assumed;assuming. Early past participle was assumpt. In rhetorical usage, assume expresses what the assumer postulates, often as a confessed hypothesis; presume expresses what the presumer really believes.

 I don't doubt there are several of you who skimmed or skipped through those definitions. They are important to understand if you want to rid yourself of this disease. Note the dates of these as well. A study of the early Renaissance period and its effects on society will help you in your understanding of Mulengro's origin and spread.

This week, take the time to delve into these definitions and begin identifying how they play out in your life. Next week, we'll discuss some ideas for eradication.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or pm me on Facebook.


1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at how many of these words have lost some or part of their derogatory associations in today's world.


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